Christian antisemitism has long misused Matthew 21 to argue that God “rejected the Jews” in favor of the Gentile Church. The parable of the tenants (Matthew 21:33-46) is often cited1 to support the claim that God replaced Israel with a new people. But is that really what Jesus was saying? …
The phrase “All Israel will be saved” in Romans 11:26 has been the subject of much theological debate. Many Christians today interpret this passage through the lens of Western theology, assuming that salvation refers to being saved from eternally burning in God’s cosmic furnace. However, when examined through a Hebraic …
In the Torah, the Israelites were forbidden to eat pork because pigs were classified as ritually unclean animals. The reasoning is explicitly stated: while pigs have split hooves, they do not chew the cud (Leviticus 11:7-8; Deuteronomy 14:8). This distinction served as a symbol of Israel’s call to holiness and …
For several reasons! Israel, often referred to as the Holy Land, is regarded as the spiritual heart of Christianity. Primarily, it is the birthplace of Yeshua (Hebrew for “Jesus,” meaning salvation), the most renowned Jewish figure in history and the central figure of Christianity. According to the New Testament, Jesus …